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Architectures of Europe in the Renaissance, 1400s-1600s: General resources

Recommended resources on European architectures and cultures from the 15th to 17th centuries, providing location info for print resources and links for digital resources.

Recommended books

Other resources

Italian Renaissance Learning resources (Oxford University Press & the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.)


Some leading scholarly journals that cover the culture, history and arts of the Renaissance are available via Jstor:

I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance, published by University of Chicago Press. Jstor provides articles from 1985, with a 3-year delay.

Renaissance Quarterly, published by University of Chicago Press. Jstor provides articles from 1967, with a 3-year delay.

Renaissance Studies, published by Wiley. Jstor provides articles from 1981, with a 5-year delay.


The Renaissance in Europe is well covered in the Oxford Art Online. Among the relevant articles, see ..

"Alberti, Leon Battista" (Paul Davies & David Hemsoll)

"Botticelli, Sandro" (Charles Dempsey)

"Bramante, Donato" (Paul Davies & David Hemsoll)

"Bruegel family" (Alexander Wied & Hans J. Van Miegroet)

"Brunelleschi, Filippo" (Harold Meek)

"Cranach family" (Charles Talbot)

"Da Sangallo family" (Caroline Elam, et al.)

"Donatello" (Charles Avery & Sarah Blake McHam)

"Dürer family" (Peter Strieder)

"Florence” (Paula Spilner)

Humanism” (James O. Duke)

"L’Orme, Philibert de" (V. Hoffmann)

"Leonardo da Vinci" (Martin Kemp)

"Mannerism” (Manfred Wundram)

"Masaccio" (Hellmut Wohl)

"Michelangelo" (Anthony Hughes & Caroline Elam)

"Palladio, Andrea" (Andreas Beyer)

"Perspective" (Janis Callen Bell)

"Piero della Francesca" (Frank Dabell & J.V. Field)

"Raphael" (Nicholas Penny)

"Renaissance”  (Manfred Wundram)

"Rome" (Anna Menichella)

"Uccello, Paolo" (Christopher Lloyd)

"Van Eyck family" (Anne Hagopian van Buren)

"Vasari" (Julian Kliemann & Antonio Manno)

"Venice" (Richard J. Goy)

"Villa" (John Percival & Geoffrey C. Tyack)

Recommended for all architectural research

Specialized resources on related topics

Anderson, Christy, Renaissance architecture, Oxford University Press, NA510 .A54 2013

Levey, Michael, Early Renaissance, Penguin, N6370.L4 [1967]

Millar, John Fitzhugh, Classical architecture in Renaissance Europe, 1419-1585, Thirteen Colonies Press, NA510.M55 1987 

Nagel, Alexander, Anachronic Renaissance, Zone Books, N6370 .N34 2020

Payne, Alina, "Materiality, crafting, and scale in Renaissance architecture," Oxford Art Journal, #3, 2009, p. 365-386 (PDF via Jstor)

Smith, Christine, Architecture in the culture of early humanism: ethics, aesthetics, and eloquence, 1400-1470, Oxford University Press, NA510.S65 1991 

Smith, Peter Cookson, After Dante : divine, design, and the cosmos, ORO Editions, NA1115 .S65 2021

Vasari, Giorgio, Lives of the Artists, Penguin, N6922.V39 1997 vol. 1-2 

Wölfflin, Heinrich, Renaissance and Baroque, Cornell University Press, NA1115.W613 1966 

Yerkes, Carolyn, Drawing after architecture : Renaissance architectural drawings and their reception, Marsilio, NA2699 .Y47 2017

Ackerman, James S, Origins, imitation, conventions: representation in the visual arts, MIT Press, N7480.A29 2002 

Blunt, Anthony, Artistic theory in Italy, 1450-1600, Oxford University Press, N6915.B62 1956 

Carpo, Mario, “Drawing with numbers: geometry and numeracy in early modern architectural design,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 2003, p. 448-469 (PDF via Jstor)

Cast, David, “Speaking of architecture: the evolution of a vocabulary in Vasari, Jones, and Sir John Vanbrugh,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, June 1993, p. 179-188 (PDF via Jstor)

Clarke, Georgia, Architecture and language: constructing identity in European architecture, c. 1000-c. 1650, Cambridge University Press, NA2543.L34A73 2000 

Eck, Caroline van, British architectural theory, 1540-1750: an anthology of texts, Ashgate, NA966.B75 2003

Field, J. V., Invention of Infinity: mathematics and art in the Renaissance, Oxford University Press, N7430.5.F52 1997 

Frascari, Marco, “The Particolareggiamento in the narration of architecture,” Journal of Architectural Education, Autumn, 1989, p. 3-12 (PDF via Jstor)

Furnari, Michele, Formal design in Renaissance architecture: from Brunelleschi to Palladio, Rizzoli, NA1115.F87 1995

Hart, Vaughan & Peter Hicks, Paper Palaces: the rise of the Renaissance architectural treatise, Yale University Press, NA2515.P36 1998 

Jennings, Margaret & Francis P. Kilcoyne, “Defacement: practical theology, politics, or prejudice: the case of the north portal of Bourges,” Church History, June 2003, p. 276-303 (PDF via Jstor)

Kanerva, Liisa, Between science and drawings: Renaissance architects on Vitruvius's educational ideas, Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, NA2706.I8 K36 2006

Kristeller, Paul Oskar, Renaissance thought and the arts: collected essays, Princeton University Press, B776.I8 K72 1990 

Mitrović, Branko, “Aesthetic formalism in Renaissance architectural theory,” Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte, #3, 2003, p. 321-339 (PDF via Jstor)

Onians, John, Bearers of meaning: the classical orders in antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance, Princeton University Press, NA2815.O55 1988

Panofsky, Erwin, Studies in iconology: humanistic themes in the art of the Renaissance, Harper & Row, N6370.P3 1972 

Payne, Alina Alexandra, The architectural treatise in the Italian Renaissance: architectural invention, ornament, and literary culture, Cambridge University Press, NA2515.P39 1999 

Pellecchia, Linda, “Architects read Vitruvius: Renaissance interpretations of the atrium of the ancient house,”  Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 1992, p. 377-416 (PDF via Jstor)

Pirina, Caterina, “Michelangelo and the music and mathematics of his time,” The Art Bulletin, September 1985, p. 368-382 (PDF via Jstor)

Randall, Catharine, Building codes: the aesthetics of Calvinism in early modern Europe, University of Pennsylvania Press, NA1045.R36 1999 

Rykwert, Joseph, The dancing column: on the orders of architecture, MIT Press, NA2815.R95 1996

Summers, David, “Michelangelo on architecture,” The Art Bulletin, June 1972, p. 146-157 (PDF via Jstor)

Tafuri, Manfredo, Interpreting the Renaissance: princes, cities, architects, Yale University Press, NA1115.T3513 2006 

Wittkower, Rudolf, Architectural principles in the age of humanism, W. W. Norton, NA520.W5 [1971]



Aiken, Jane Andrews, “Leon Battista Alberti's system of human proportions,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, v. 43, 1980, p. 68-96 (PDF via Jstor)

Alberti, Leon Batista, On the art of building in ten books (Rykwert trans.), MIT Press, NA2515.A3513 1988

Lehmann, Phyllis Williams, “Alberti and antiquity: additional observations,” The Art Bulletin, September 1988, p. 388-400 (PDF via Jstor)

Mitrović, Branko, “Leon Battista Alberti and the homogeneity of space,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 2004, p. 424-439 (PDF via Jstor)

Morselli, Piero, “The Proportions of Ghiberti's Saint Stephen: Vitruvius's De Architectura and Alberti's De Statua,” The Art Bulletin, June 1978, p. 235-241 (PDF via Jstor)

Tavernor, Robert, On Alberti and the art of building, Yale University Press, NA1123.A5T38 1998 

Waters, Michael J., "A Renaissance without order: ornament, single-sheet engravings, and the mutability of architectural prints," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, #4, 2012, p. 488-522 (PDF via Jstor)

Westfall, Carroll William, “Alberti and the Vatican palace type,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1974, p. 101-121 (PDF via Jstor)

Wittkower, Rudolf, “Alberti's Approach to antiquity in architecture,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, October 1940/January 1941, p. 1-18 (PDF via Jstor)



Eisenman, Peter, Palladio Virtuel, Yale University Press, NA1123.P2E37 2015

Howard, Deborah, “Four centuries of literature on Palladio,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, October 1980, p. 224-241 (PDF via Jstor)

Howard, Deborah & Malcolm Longair, “Harmonic proportion and Palladio's Quattro Libri,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1982, p. 116-143 (PDF via Jstor)

Mitrović, Branko & Ivana Djordjević, “Palladio's Theory of proportions and the second book of the Quattro Libri dell'Architettura,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, September 1990, p. 279-292 (PDF via Jstor)

Palladio, Andrea, The four books on architecture (Tavernor trans.), MIT Press, NA2515.P253 1997

Wittkower, Rudolf, “Principles of Palladio's architecture,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, v. 7, 1944, p. 102-122 (PDF via Jstor)

Wittkower, Rudolf, “Principles of Palladio's architecture: II,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, v. 8, 1945, p. 68-106 (PDF via Jstor)



Ackerman, James S., “The Tuscan/Rustic order: a study in the metaphorical language of architecture,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 1983, p. 15-34 (PDF via Jstor)

Serlio, Sebastiano, The Five books of architecture, Dover, NA2517.S513 1982

Serlio, Sebastiano, et al., Serlio on architecture (Hart & Hicks trans.), Yale University Press, NA2515.S513 1996

Frommel, Sabine, Sebastiano Serlio, architect, Electa, NA1123.S43 F76 2003

Ackerman, James S., The architecture of Michelangelo, with a catalogue of Michelangelo's works, University of Chicago Press, NA1123.B9 A83 1986 

Calvani, Angelo, Raffaello e l'architettura a Firenze nella prima metà del Cinquecento, Sansoni, NA1123.R122R3 1984 

Hemsoll, David, Emulating antiquity : Renaissance buildings from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo, Yale University Press, NA510 .H46 2019

Hopkins, Andrew, Italian Architecture from Michelangelo to Borromini, Thames & Hudson, NA1115.H66 2002

Lotz, Wolfgang, Studies in Italian Renaissance architecture, MIT Press, NA1115.L67 [1977]

Rowe, Colin, Italian architecture of the 16th century, Princeton Architectural Press, NA1115.R68 2002 

Welch, Evelyn S., Art in Renaissance Italy, 1350-1500, Oxford University Press, N6915.W42 2000 

Wittkower, Rudolf, et al., Art and Architecture in Italy: 1600-1750, Yale University Press, N6916.W5 1999 volumes1-3

Wölfflin, Heinrich, Classic art; an introduction to the Italian Renaissance, Cornell University Press, N6915.W5713 [1980]

Adams, Nicholas, “The Acquisition of Pienza 1459-1464,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1985, p. 99-110 (PDF via Jstor)

Argan, Giulio Carlo, Planning and cities: Renaissance city, Braziller, NA9094.A713 [1970]

Ghirardo, Diane Yvonne, “The Topography of prostitution in Renaissance Ferrara,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 2001, p. 402-431 (PDF via Jstor)

Mack, Charles R., Pienza: the creation of a Renaissance city, Cornell University Press, NA1121.P5M33 1987 

Orr, Robert, “Pienza, lessons at the edge,” Places, Spring 2006, p. 56-59

Pierini, Marco & Bruno Santi, Pienza: guide to the town and surroundings, Nuova immagine, DG975.P54P53 1999

Thomson, David, Renaissance Paris: architecture and growth1475-1600, University of California Press, NA1050.T53 1984

Betts, Richard J., “Structural innovation and structural design in Renaissance architecture,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 1993, p. 5-25 (PDF via Jstor)

Blackwell, Richard J., Behind the scenes at Galileo's trial, University of Notre Dame Press, 2008 (ebook via ProQuest Ebook Central)

Bruegmann, Robert, “Central heating and forced ventilation: origins and effects on architectural design,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, October 1978, p. 143-160 (PDF via Jstor)

Clayton, Martin & Ron Philo, Leonardo da Vinci: the mechanics of man, Getty Museum, NC257.L4A4 2010

Edgerton, Samuel Y., “Florentine interest in Ptolemaic cartography as background for Renaissance painting, architecture, and the discovery of America,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, December 1974, p. 275-292 (PDF via Jstor)

Fane, Lawrence, “The Invented world of Mariano Taccola: revisiting a once-famous artist-engineer of 15th-Century Italy,” Leonardo, #2, 2003, p. 135-143 (PDF via Jstor)

King, Ross, Brunelleschi's dome: how a Renaissance genius reinvented architecture, Walker & Co., NA5621.F7K56 2000 

Murdock, David, The Great cathedral mystery [DVD videorecording], PBS Distribution, Media shelf: NA5621.F63G74 2014 (on Brunelleschi’s dome in Florence)

Newman, William R., Promethean ambitions: alchemy and the quest to perfect nature, University of Chicago Press, 2005 (ebook via ProQuest Ebook Central)

Scaglia, Gustina, “Drawings of machines for architecture from the Early Quattrocento in Italy,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May 1966, p. 90-114 (PDF via Jstor)

Tuttle, Richard J., “Against Fortifications: the defense of renaissance Bologna,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, October 1982, p. 189-201 (PDF via Jstor)

Wallace, William E., “Michelangelo's drawings for the fortifications of Florence,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, June 1987, p. 119-134 (PDF via Jstor)

Bussagli, Marco, Firenze, la cupola di Brunelleschi = Brunelleschi's dome in Florence, Scripta Maneant, NA5621.F7 B87 2020

"Florence,” Oxford Art Online

Goldthwaite, Richard A., The building of Renaissance Florence: an economic and social history, Johns Hopkins University Press, HD9715.I83F563 1982 

Leader, Anne, “Architectural collaboration in the Early Renaissance: reforming the Florentine Badia,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, June 2005, p. 204-233 (PDF via Jstor)

Murdock, David, The Great cathedral mystery [DVD videorecording], PBS Distribution, Media shelf: NA5621.F63G74 2014 (on Brunelleschi’s dome in Florence)

Norman, Diana, Siena, Florence and Padua: art, society and religion 1280-1400, Yale University Press, N6913.S53 1995

Ruskin, John, Mornings in Florence: being simple studies of Christian art, for English travelers, John W. Lovell, PR5261.M82 [1885]

Trachtenberg, Marvin, Dominion of the Eye: urbanism, art and power in early modern Florence, Cambridge University Press, NA9070.T73 1997

Trachtenberg, Marvin, “What Brunelleschi saw: monument and site at the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence,”  Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, March 1988, p. 14-44 (PDF via Jstor)

Brotton, Jerry, Renaissance: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2006 (via Ebook Central)

Burckhardt, Jacob, The civilization of the Renaissance in Italy, Phaidon, DG445.B813 1995

Coppa, Frank J., The Papacy in the modern world: a political history, Reaktion Books, 2014 (via Ebook Central)

D'Amico, John F., Renaissance humanism in papal Rome: humanists and churchmen on the eve of the Reformation, Johns Hopkins University Press, B778.D35 1983

Euan, Cameron, The Short Oxford history of Europe: Sixteenth Century, Oxford University Press, 2006 (via Ebook Central)

Hillerbrand, Hans J., Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, Oxford University Press, BR302.8.O93 1996 volumes 1-4

Lee, Alexander, et al., Renaissance? Perceptions of continuity and discontinuity in Europe, c. 1300- c. 1550, Brill, 2010 (via Ebook Central)

McCahill, Elizabeth, Reviving the Eternal City: Rome and the papal court, 1420-1447, Harvard University Press, 2013 (via Ebook Central)

Prak, Maarten (Editor), Early modern capitalism: economic and social change in Europe 1400-1800, Routledge, 2005 (via Ebook Central)

Renaissance Quarterly, published by University of Chicago Press. PDFs of articles from 1967, with a 3-year delay, are available via Jstor.

Renaissance Studies, published by Wiley. PDFs from 1981, with a 5-year delay, are available via Jstor.

I Tatti Studies in the Italian Renaissance, published by University of Chicago Press. PDFs of articles from 1985, with a 3-year delay, are available from Jstor.

Dalton, Caroline, "'He that ... doth not master the human figure': Sir John Vanbrugh and the Vitruvian landscape," Garden History, #1, 2009 p. 3-37 (PDF via Jstor)

De' Medici Stucchi, Lorenza, The Renaissance of Italian gardens, Fawcett Columbine, SB457.85.D4 1990 

Henderson, Paula. "Sir Francis Bacon's Essay 'Of Gardens' in Context," Garden History, #1, 2008, p. 59-84 (PDF via Jstor) 

Lawrence, Henry W., City trees: a historical geography from the Renaissance through the nineteenth century, University of Virginia Press, SB435.6.E85L39 2006 

Morgan, Luke, The Monster in the garden: the grotesque and the gigantic in Renaissance landscape design, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015 (ebook via ProQuest Ebook Central)

Samson, Alexander, Locus amoenus: gardens and horticulture in the Renaissance, John Wiley & Sons, 2012 (via Ebook Central)

Teyssot, Georges, The architecture of Western gardens: a design history from the Renaissance to the present day, MIT Press, SB466.E9A7313 1991 

Tigner, Amy L., Literature and the Renaissance Garden from Elizabeth I to Charles II: England’s paradise, 2012 (via Ebook Central)

Tudor gardens,” Garden History, Summer 1999 (Theme issue, PDFs available via Jstor)

Ashworth, E.J., “Renaissance philosophy,” Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1998

Davies, Tony, Humanism, Routledge, PN81.D373 1997

Greenblatt, Stephen, The swerve: how the world became modern, W. W. Norton, PA6484.G69 2011

Keenan, Siobhan, Edinburgh critical guides to literature: Renaissance literature, Edinburgh University Press, 2008 (via Ebook Central)

King, Sharon, City tragedy on the Renaissance stage in France, Spain, and England, Edwin Mellen Press, PN1650.C57K56 2003 

Nauert, Charles, "Desiderius Erasmus," The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2012

Carlton, Richard A., “Florentine Humanism and the birth of opera: the roots of operatic conventions,” International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, June 2000, p. 67-78 (PDF via Jstor)

Fischer, Kurt von & Joel Newman, “On the technique, origin, and evolution of Italian Trecento music,” The Musical Quarterly, January 1961, p. 41-57 (PDF via Jstor)

Haar, James, “Classicism and Mannerism in 16th-century music,” International Review of Music Aesthetics and Sociology, June 1970, p. 55-68 (PDF via Jstor)

Musica Disciplina, a scholarly journal covering Renaissance and Baroque music, published by the American Institute of Musicology. PDFs of articles from 1948, with a 3-year delay, are available via Jstor.

Peacock, John, “Inigo Jones's stage architecture and its sources,” The Art Bulletin, June 1982, p. 195-216 (PDF via Jstor)

Prins, Jacomien, Echoes of an invisible world: Marsilio Ficino and Francesco Patrizi on cosmic order and music theory, Brill, 2014 (via Ebook Central)

Warren, Charles W., “Brunelleschi's dome and Dufay's motet,” The Musical Quarterly, January 1973, p. 92-105 (PDF via Jstor)

Wisch, Barbara, Theatrical spectacle and spectacular theatre: art and pageantry in the Renaissance and Baroque, Pennsylvania State University, GT5010.A75 1990

Baxandall, Michael, Limewood Sculptors of Renaissance Germany, Yale University Press, NB1255.G3G39 [1980]

Blunt, Anthony & Richard Beresford, Art and Architecture in France 1500-1700, Yale University Press, N6845.B59 1998

"Bruegel family" Oxford Art Online

"Cranach family," Oxford Art Online

Girouard, Mark, “Elizabethan architecture and the Gothic tradition,” Architectural History, v. 6, 1963, p. 23-39 (PDF via Jstor)

Hitchcock. Henry-Russell, German Renaissance architecture, Princeton University Press, NA1065.H57 [1981]

Mowl, Timothy, Elizabethan and Jacobean style, Phaidon, NA965.M69 2001

Randall, Catharine, Building codes: the aesthetics of Calvinism in early modern Europe, University of Pennsylvania Press, NA1045.R36 1999 

Smith, Jeffrey Chipps, The Northern Renaissance, Phaidon, N6370.S565 2004 

Tudor gardens,” Garden History, Summer 1999 (Theme issue, PDFs available via Jstor)

"Van Eyck family," Oxford Art Online

Argan, Giulio Carlo & Nesca A. Robb, “The architecture of Brunelleschi and the origins of perspective theory in the fifteenth century,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, v. 9, 1946, p. 96-121 (PDF via Jstor)

Bauer, George, “Experimental shadow casting and the early history of perspective,” The Art Bulletin, June 1987, p. 211-219 (PDF via Jstor)

Belting, Hans, Florence and Baghdad : Renaissance art and Arab science, Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, NC748 .B4513 2011

Edgerton, Samuel Y., “Alberti's perspective: a new discovery and a new evaluation,” The Art Bulletin, September/December 1966, p. 367-378 (PDF via Jstor)

Edgerton, Samuel Y., The mirror, the window, and the telescope: how Renaissance linear perspective changed our vision of the universe, Cornell University Press, NC748.E34 2009

Elkins, James, “Piero della Francesca and the Renaissance proof of linear perspective,” The Art Bulletin, June 1987, p. 220-230 (PDF via Jstor)

Field, J.V., The invention of infinity: mathematics and art in the Renaissance, Oxford University Press, N7430.5.F52 1997

Frangenberg, Thomas, “Perspectivist Aristotelianism: three case-studies of cinquecento visual theory,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, v. 54, 1991, p. 137-158 (PDF via Jstor)

Green, Judy & Paul S., “Alberti's Perspective: A Mathematical Comment,” The Art Bulletin, December 1987, p. 641-645 (PDF via Jstor)

Harries, Karsten, Infinity and perspective, MIT Press, BD348.H37 2001

Holm, Lorens, “Reading through the mirror: Brunelleschi, Lacan, Le Corbusier: the invention of perspective and the post-Freudian Eye/I,” Assemblage, #18, 1992, p. 20-39 (PDF via Jstor)

Ivins, William Mills, On the rationalization of sight: with an examination of three Renaissance texts on perspective, Da Capo Press, NC749.I94 1975

Kitao, Timothy K., “Prejudice in perspective: a study of Vignola's perspective treatise,” The Art Bulletin, September 1962, p. 173-194 (PDF via Jstor)

Kuhn, Jehane R., “Measured appearances: documentation and design in early perspective drawing,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, v. 53, 1990, p. 114-132 (PDF via Jstor)

"Perspective," Oxford Art Online

Wittkower, Rudolf, “Brunelleschi and proportion in perspective,” Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, #3/4, 1953, pp. 275-291 (PDF via Jstor)

Burroughs, Charles, From Signs to design: environmental process and reform in early Renaissance Rome, MIT Press, NA1120.B87 1990 

Kessler, Harbert L., Rome 1300: on the path of the pilgrim, Yale University Press, N7952.R6K48 2000

Letarouilly, Paul Marie, Edifices de Rome moderne, Princeton Architectural Press, Office: NA1120.L56 1982

Palladio, Andrea, et al., Palladio's Rome: a translation of Andrea Palladio's two guidebooks to Rome, Yale University Press, NA1120.P33 2006

Partner, Peter, Renaissance Rome 1500-1559, University of California Press, DG812.P37 1979

Portoghesi, Paolo, Rome of the Renaissance, Phaidon, NA1121.R6 P613 [1972]

"Rome," Oxford Art Online

Cooper, Tracy E., Palladio's Venice: architecture and society in a Renaissance Republic, Yale University Press, NA1123.P2C66 2005

Foscari, Antonio, Living with Palladio in the sixteenth century, Lars Muller, NA1123.P2 F6713 2020

Goy, Richard J., Building Renaissance Venice: patrons, architects and builders, c. 1430-1500, Yale University Press, NA1121.V4 G677 2006 

Grosso, Marsel & Gianmario Guidarelli, Tintoretto and architecture, ND623.T6 G7613 2019

Howard, Deborah, The Architectural history of Venice, Yale University Press, NA1121.V4H68 2002

Howard, Deborah, Venice & the East: the impact of the Islamic world on Venetian architecture, 1100-1500, Yale University Press, NA1121.V4 H69 2000

Huse, Norbert, The Art of Renaissance Venice: architecture, sculpture, and painting, 1460-1590, University of Chicago Press, N6921.V5H8713 1990 

Lieberman, Ralph, Renaissance architecture in Venice, 1450-1540, Abbeville Press, NA1121.V4L53 1982 

Ruskin, John, The Stones of Venice, Dover, NA1121.V4R7 2005 volumes 1-3

Tafuri, Manfredo, Venice and the Renaissance, MIT Press, DG675.6.T2413 1989 

"Venice," Oxford Art Online

Baxandall, Michael, Limewood Sculptors of Renaissance Germany, Yale University Press, NB1255.G3G39 [1980]

Burckhardt, Jacob, Italian Renaissance painting according to genres, Getty Research Institute, ND615.B8713 2005 

Campbell, Erin J., et al., The early modern Italian domestic interior, 1400–1700: objects, spaces, domesticities, Routledge, 2013 (via Ebook Central)

Joyce, Hetty, “Grasping at shadows: ancient paintings in Renaissance and Baroque Rome,” The Art Bulletin, June 1992, p. 219-246 (PDF via Jstor)

Mal'Occhio: Looking awry at the Renaissance,” Oxford Art Journal, #3, 2009 (Theme issue)

Manca, Joseph, “The Gothic Leonardo: towards a reassessment of the Renaissance,” Artibus et Historiae, # 34, 1996, p. 121-158 (PDF via Jstor)

Pope-Hennessy, John, Italian High Renaissance & Baroque sculpture, Phaidon Press, NB615.P66 2000

Richardson, Carol M., Locating Renaissance art, Yale University Press, N6754.R53 2007 

Richardson, Carol M., Renaissance art reconsidered: an anthology of primary sources, Blackwell, N6370.R375 2007 

Roos, Frank J., “The Commemorative medal and architecture,” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, May, 1955, p. 3-7 (PDF via Jstor)

Steinberg, Leo, Renaissance and Baroque art : selected essays, University of Chicago Press, ND170 .S84 2020

Woods, Kim, Viewing Renaissance art, Yale University Press, N6370.W655 2007 

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  • These guides are intended to provide initial orientation, and suggest a variety of different lines of investigation—not take the place of individual research.
  • All the resources cited here--print and digital--are available through the Kappe Library at SCI-Arc.Items not available at SCI-Arc are not included.
  • Surveys covering multiple projects are preferred over monographic studies focusing on specific works or individuals.
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